Using A Bank Atm
This site is an aggregator of financial rate information. Provides free rate information on more than 300 financial products. This includes mortgage rates, ATM fees, new and used car loans, money market accounts, and more.
Banks Directory
This banks directory lists banks and other banking institutions throughout the United States, organized by State and County. Each bank listing includes a website link and contact information.
Chase, with corporate headquarters in New York City, provides banking services worldwide. On the website, users can learn about credit cards, checking and savings accounts, CDs, debit cards, and online banking. There are also links to personal lending services, including mortgages and auto loans plus student loans and home equity loans.
- is the source of information about and access to domestic financial services provided by Citibank retail banking and other Citibank services. Citibank offers credit cards as well as other full banking services such as bill paying, savings, IRAs, CDs, mortgages, student loans, auto loans, investment services, and many other financial services. Citibank is located in over 100 countries.
LendingTree is an online loan and realty services marketplace. Users submit information and LendingTree sends applications to banks who submit loan offers. Users will receive up to four specific offers. It also offers information about realtors and a home search. Users can get a free credit rating score and other information about mortgages and purchasing a home.
RBS: Royal Bank of Scotland
The RBS, founded in 1727, is a leading financial institution in the UK. It is one of the largest banks in the U.S. The Bank owns many other businesses such as the Citizens Financial Group in Providence R.I.; TRACKER, a stolen vehicle tracker; Green Flag, a motorist assistance service; and many others, all described on the website. The corporate structure and their services are on the website.
Savings Banks - Savings Institutions
A savings bank is a financial institution that pays interest on funds that it receives from depositors and charges interest on loans that it extends to borrowers. This savings bank directory includes savings banks and savings & loan associations that are located throughout the United States. Contact information, website links, and category tags are specified with each listing.
The World Bank
The World Bank, which began in 1944, is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. On the website, users can learn about the organization of the World Bank, Country Issues, Topical Issues, and Doing Business with the World Bank. There is also information about the data and research it conducts and gathers, and its publications.
U.S. Bank
U.S. Bank is the 6th largest commercial bank in the United States. It operates 2,512 banking offices and 4,870 ATMs. They offer a full line of banking services, including mortgages and investments. Users can invest and do their banking online through this website. There is also an application for a credit card on the site.
UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) was created in 1912 with the merger of two regional banks, and in 2000 it merged with Paine-Webber. UBS offers wealth management services, asset management, investment banking and securities services, and other complete banking services. The head offices are in Basel and Zurich, with main offices in many countries, and worldwide branches. More info on the website.
Wachovia, with headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a complete banking service. It serves over 13 million customers and has 5,100 ATMs. Wachovia offers banking online, as well as auto and home loans. The website can be accessed in either English or Spanish. On it, users can find out about Wachovia services and locations, interest rates, and insurance, and more.
Washington Mutual
Washington Mutual was founded in 1889 after the great fire in Seattle the same year. WaMu made their first home loan for $700 in 1890. Today they are a leading financial services institution with full banking, home and auto loans, and credit cards. The website provides information about all their services for individuals and for businesses. Users can also find out about doing their banking online.
This is the Banking subcategory of the Finance category. Our editors have reviewed these web pages and placed them on this Banking page.